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What does Gladh Consulting

Gladh Consulting conducts technical consultancy in areas such as industrial technology, project management, production development towards the engineering industry.

General information!
Founded in 2015.
Owner Karl-Oskar Gladh.
Head office in Virserum Sweden.
Works at global level.

What we do!
Project management.
Production development.
ISO System
CE Marking
ESG / Sustainability

No projects are too small or enlarge for us.
We work according to existing project management principles.
We keep given time frames and deliver on time.
We monitor costs and keep agreed budgets.
We involve our customers and their staff. We inspire them to reach agreed goals.

Production development!
Design / manufacture of robot / production cells.
Design / manufacture of robotic grippers.
Development of production methods.
Development of machines and tools.

ISO System!
We develop / build ISO systems from the ground up.
Develops existing systems.
Develops routines and instructions etc.

CE Marking
Risk assessments

ESG / Sustainability!


Investment strategies

ESG Analysis